Sunday, August 30, 2009

About Me

Soy Isabella. Soy de Puerto Rico. Tengo 12 anos. Mi cumpleanos es 21 de decembre. You soy mereno tambien inteligente y un poco timido. Mi gutsan los deportes. Me gusta volibol, sofbol y basquetbol.

Un Poco de Todo

Puerto Rico is the third country with the most women that won Miss Universe. Just recently Venezula took Puerto Rico place as second. Puerto Rico has won in 1970, 1985,1993,2001 and there most recent win was in 2006.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Puerto Rico- Un Poco de Todo

In Puerto Rico each town has a festival to honor it's patron saint. The festivals last up to a week, with dances, food, parades and religious ceremonies. There are also carnivals celebrating saints. Sometimes there are a special festivals in certain towns to celebrate special saint, stories and location, such as Yuco's Festival Nacional de Cafe

Puerto Rico-Lugares Importantes

Fort San Felipe del Morro( also refered to as El Morro) is an imporant place in Puerto Rico. Fort San Felipe del Morro is a citadel that is in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Named in honor of Philip ll of Spain. When Puerto Rico was controlled by Spain it survied many attacks by other countries. El Morro's last attack was with the United States Navy in 1898. Then during World War l the U.S. fired shots at El Morro which was ended with the Treaty of Pairs. Spain gave up ownership of Puerto Rico, Cuba, Guam, Philippines to the United States. Durning War World ll, El Morro was used as a Harbor Defence Fire Control Station. Finally, in 1961 the U.S. army retired El Morro and then tured it into a National Park and museum.

Puerto Rico- Comida

This is Sopa de arroz con pollo. It is a famous Puertorican soup. This dish includes rice, chicken, lemon juice, potatoes, and sometimes vegetables. People would normally eat this as an appetizer not as a main meal. This soup is also severed steaming hot.

Puerto Rico- Gobierno

Puerto Rico is in association with the United States. The chief of state is the President of the United States of America( Barack Obama). Puerto Rico has control of its internal affiars. The U.S. controls miltary services, laws, most areas are controlled by the federal government. The Executive Power is the Governor, Puerto's Rico's governor is Anibal Acevedo-Vila who has been in office since Jan. 2005. Puerto Rico is not divided into countries, but they have 78 municipos, each is governed by an elected mayor.