Monday, August 24, 2009

Puerto Rico-Lugares Importantes

Fort San Felipe del Morro( also refered to as El Morro) is an imporant place in Puerto Rico. Fort San Felipe del Morro is a citadel that is in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Named in honor of Philip ll of Spain. When Puerto Rico was controlled by Spain it survied many attacks by other countries. El Morro's last attack was with the United States Navy in 1898. Then during World War l the U.S. fired shots at El Morro which was ended with the Treaty of Pairs. Spain gave up ownership of Puerto Rico, Cuba, Guam, Philippines to the United States. Durning War World ll, El Morro was used as a Harbor Defence Fire Control Station. Finally, in 1961 the U.S. army retired El Morro and then tured it into a National Park and museum.